Our favorite finds this week touch on a photographic commemoration of 9/11, new digital archival projects by Cornell University, and a tribute to the incredible work being done by medical workers on the frontline of the pandemic.
In light of the anniversary of 9/11, take a look at archival images of the two iconic monuments in documentary photographer, Leon Yost’s book, “Twin Towers: A Photographer’s Archive” which traces Yost’s imagery of the towers from 1969 to 2020.
Image Credit: © Leon Yost
Explore the extensive archive of prolific Hip-Hop photographer, Ernie Paniccioli, who captured the likes of Missy Elliott, Public Enemy, and Notorious B.I.G over several decades in Cornell University Library’s newly launched Ernie Paniccioli Photo Archive digital collection.
Image Credit: © Ernie Paniccioli
Take a look at photographer Eric Retterbush’s new project, “Resilience” which utilizes a 1920s Kodak camera and the collodion wet plates process to create tintypes which capture frontline medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Image Credit: © Eric Retterbush
Check out the dreamlike images made by photographer Alberto di Lenardo, unknown in his lifetime, who chronicled 20th century life in over 8,000 photographs.
Image credit: Alberto di Lenardo/MACK