No Safe Harbor: Exhibition Opening by Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs

Domestic sex trafficking in the United States is a nationwide endemic, a form of modern-day slavery that entraps thousands. Traffickers target victims, often teenagers and young women, who are homeless, live in foster care, or have a history of childhood sexual abuse. As a $99 billion global industry, sex trafficking flourishes due to high demand and lack of accountability— one which we have a humanitarian obligation to end.

The Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs has curated No Safe Harbor, a collection of photographs by Getty Images photographer Robert Nickelsberg, to highlight domestic sex trafficking through a variety of angles: the women and girls trapped in a cycle of exploitation; the traffickers and “johns” who fuel the trade; the advocates and law enforcement officials striving to tackle the problem; and the survivors who have been able to start a new life.

Join us for the opening of this exhibition as we aim to address this humanitarian issue and raise the voices of those affected by this deeply complex issue.

Refreshments will be served.

A panel discussion with advocates and law enforcement on this issue will follow on April 24th.

Register link:

Thu, April 5, 2018 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT

Canisius Hall, 2nd Floor, 2546 Belmont Avenue Bronx, NY 10458