Read about the discovery an Arkansas-based photographer named Rita Henry made when she found a shoebox full of negatives depicting Little Rock Nine members on the day Central High was desegregated in the late 1950s.
Image Credits: Walter Riddick Jr. ©Joanne Riddick
The legacy of the Hubble Heritage Project has been preserved online at the NASA Hubblesite where the public can now explore the complete collection of images taken of space. The Project, facilitated by a group of astronomers and image processing specialists from 1998 until 2016, utilized the imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope’s archive, together with new observation data, to create scientifically accurate color images of the universe.
Image Credits: ©Space Telescope Science Institute
Brooklyn-based software engineer, Julian Boilen, created a website titled to map street views of New York in the 1940s utilizing images taken by the city Tax Department and the New Deal-era Works Progress Administration.
Image Credits: ©