Frequently Asked Questions
©Rahma Braham
What is the cost of preparing my archive?
The photographer or their estate are responsible for all costs of preparation: video discs, containers, file sleeves, clerical assistance, as needed, appraisal, etc. If the photographer or proprietor of the archive has limited funds, PCPP will apply for a grant to help with the cost of preparing the archive for placement. Please see our checklist for more information on preparatory work which may mitigate some costs associated with the project.
What constitutes an archive?
Whatever original prints exist as well as proof sheets, negatives, DVD compressions, as well as supporting materials such as digital records, correspondence, diaries, daybooks, etc.
Who does the work?
The archive's proprietor is responsible for doing or supervising the work with whatever assistance and guidance is needed from PCPP, which can make connections to appropriately experienced archivists, cataloguers, database experts, etc.
Where does the archive go?
That depends very much on the nature of the archive—for example, whether it is fine art photography or photojournalism, and the nature of its subject matter. After assessing these and other factors, PCPP will provide its advice on the range of potential recipients; the merits and demerits of each potential choice; the potential terms for the accession; and the scope of work necessary to prepare the collection.
What are the chances of the collection being accepted?
The better the match—and, of course, the better the work—the greater its chance of acceptance will be. We will provide our best judgment after spending some time with the work.
How much will I get paid?
That depends on the nature, quality, and substance of the collection; its current condition; its audience and best uses (general exhibition or scholarship, for example); the financial strength of its best potential recipients; the precision of the match between the collection and relevant institutions; and many other factors. We can only make a judgment about that after assessing the work and testing the market for it.
Can you help publish collections of the work?
We can steer you to publishers as well as graphic designers and others with experience in helping photographers package books with roughly similar work.
Does PCPP accept donations?
PCPP is a non-profit organization, and we appreciate donations, but we do not solicit them from photographers or the owners of collections, only from public and private foundations and individual benefactors with an interest in cultural preservation. All we ever request of photographers or the owners of their collections is the ability to show example images, whether to inspire donations or as examples of work we have placed that we can show other photographers and proprietors who may be in similar situations.
If you wish to make a donation, please click the button below, or send a check made out to "Photography Collections Preservation Project (or PCPP)" to
Photography Collections Preservation Project or PCPP
1230 Bishops Lodge Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501